Residential Life Policies

The information presented here is part of the Green Pages Student Handbook, which includes the Code of Conduct, University Policies, Campus Security procedures, and information about campus services.

Table of Contents

I. Residential Life Office: Welcome and Expectations
II. Administrative Policies and Procedures
III. Community Standards and Hall Policies
IV. Facility Information and Policies
V. Safety and Security

I. The Office of Residential Life: Welcome and Expectations

Welcome to Residential Life at 麻豆传媒社区! We believe that a positive residential living experience is rooted in the number of opportunities that students take to engage in the community around them. Residential Life staff are dedicated to assisting students in having the most positive on-campus living experience possible. In addition to challenging yourself with new experiences during your time living on campus, students are expected to demonstrate the five principles outlined in our Student Code of Conduct: Respect for Oneself, Respect for Others, Respect for Property, Respect for Authority, and Honesty.

The below policies and procedures embody those five principles and are in place to ensure that each student has the ability to engage in a positive living experience while residing in, or visiting, our residential facilities. Please take the utmost care in reviewing our Residential Life policies. We want each student to be informed on these expectations as ignorance to, or lack of awareness of, these policies does not constitute a reasonable response for violations. The Office of Residential Life also affords certain rights and responsibilities to students and expects in return that students will conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner that best represents the institution and themselves.

We hope that you enjoy your time living on campus and please do not hesitate to reach out should you need any assistance, as our goal is always student success!

Thank you,

The Office of Residential Life

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II. Administrative Policies and Procedures

The below Administrative Policies and Procedures are in place to ensure that each student is aware of the different administrative functions of the Office of Residential Life, the protocol for addressing administrative related issues, and the expectations for students and staff members. 

Abandoned Property

Items left behind after a resident has vacated are considered abandoned. Following three attempts to contact the owner, staff will assess which items can be donated or discarded.  All items will be discarded after 10 days following the third outreach attempt. 

Communication Tools

Residents are responsible for information sent through campus e-mail and campus mail. Thus, please be sure to check all forms of communication on a daily basis. All official communication between the Office of Residential Life and students must be through the student鈥檚 University email address.

Consolidation of Rooms

Students placed in Temporary Housing at the beginning of a semester will be relocated to permanent room spaces as rooms become available. Students will be notified via email of their new room assignment and will be given instructions to pick up their new key from their residence hall. Room placement will be determined based on the date the Housing Applications were submitted. Students placed in temporary assignments are not guaranteed their room type preference or roommate preference. 

Room consolidation is the process of relocating students to make the best use of space on campus as needed. Students may be notified of a room consolidation resulting in a new roommate or moving to a new room on campus. Room consolidations are carefully considered and made as needed by Residential Life or requested by the student.

Cancellation Policy

Deadlines Explanation Fee
On or After May 15th All continuing students WITH AN ASSIGNMENT that cancel their reservation will be assessed a cancellation fee. $200


Room Cancellation Policy: Students will be given a housing assignment if they meet the requirements to live on campus and do not have a completed Fall/Spring housing application or those who cancel their Summer Housing Application after being sent a room assignment. 

The cancellation timeline applies to: 

  • Students seeking a Residency Exemption Approval after the cancellation date of May 15th
  • Students seeking to transfer and cancel after the May 15th deadline
  • Students who've met the live-on requirement seeking to cancel their assignment after the May 15th deadline 
  • Continuing Students that are declared a no show for the Fall or Spring Semester by the Drop/Add deadline


Rooms and apartments are inspected before students move in and after students move out of their spaces. Students are highly encouraged to complete a Room Condition Form upon move-in. Any pre-existing damages not reported in the room condition form within 24 hours of move-in will be the responsibility of the resident(s). Each resident is responsible to fill out their own room condition report for both their bed space and shared space. Room and apartment damage will be assessed for cost of repairs or replacement and charged as follows:

To any individual who accepts responsibility or is found to be responsible for the damage.

To occupants of a room where the damage was done and direct responsibility cannot be determined.

Residential Life professional staff members will conduct the official closing checks and have final jurisdiction to assess fees for room damages, and the RA inspection of rooms during the student move-out process constitutes a preliminary check. If damage is deemed to be intentional in nature, disciplinary action will also be taken. Repeated occurrences or damage by an individual or group will be investigated to determine whether further disciplinary measures are warranted, including dismissal from the University.

Residents will be notified of all fees for closing damages in a timely manner after the end of the semester. Residents will have 30 days from the date of notification to appeal damage and/or closing fees. All appeal requests must be submitted by the JU student who is assessed the fee via their JU email.   Residential Life staff cannot discuss fees or appeal requests with anyone other than the student. Once an appeal request is submitted, a decision will be communicated via email within ten business days. Appeal decisions are final.

Gender Inclusive Housing

麻豆传媒社区 and the Office of Residential Life seek to provide inclusive housing for students of all sex and gender identities.  Students interested in learning more about gender inclusive housing can visit the Residential Life webs page for "Gender Inclusive Housing and Ally Roommate Matching". 

Residents can select to live in Gender Inclusive Housing and reside with other students regardless of gender similarity or difference by selecting the Gender Inclusive Housing option in the Housing Application.

Gender Inclusive Housing will be hosted in Oak Hall starting Fall 2024

Residents who choose this option will have varied understandings of gender, gender identity and gender expression.   
Examples of students who may be interested in Gender Inclusive Housing include, but not limited to: 

  • Students who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming requesting a roommate based on comfort and support rather than biological sex (i.e., friend or ally);
  • Students seeking a mixed gender housing option, including students within the LGBTQIA+ community and allies. 
Note: that no student will be placed in a gender inclusive room/suite/apartment unless the student gives consent to do so. 

Housing Periods for Residential Facilities

Residential facility housing periods are detailed in the housing contract for that Academic Year or Summer Term. Students are expected to depart from the residence halls and apartments based on the contract dates and times.

Click here to review Residential Life Important Dates 

Click here to review the current year housing contract

Students who check out of a residential facility after the designated time will incur a $100 fee for improper checkout, plus a $100 fee per hour until they successfully check out. These fees will be in addition to, not in lieu of, fees for cleaning or damage to their space, as well as possible disciplinary action.

Students participating in University sanctioned classes, activities or events that require Extended Stay (late move-out) or Early Move-in may be approved to participate in these processes. Students should ask their supervisor, coach or leader of such University activity to reach out to to indicate need.

Students who have both a Fall and Spring housing assignment may stay on campus for Winter Break. However, students should know that resources are limited and campus offices will close for a period of time over the Winter Break.

Break Housing

Residential Life provides housing during Winter Break to students who have both a fall and a spring housing assignment of the current academic year. Students who have both a fall and spring housing assignment may stay in their current assignment throughout the winter break. Winter Break Housing is only available to students with fall and spring class schedules. Students who are not registered for classes for the spring term are required to move out of their on-campus housing by the fall move out deadline. 

Students who want or need housing during Summer Break may sign up for summer housing, which will be a new housing assignment. Students who sign-up for Summer I housing must have a previous spring housing assignment, and students who sign-up for a Summer II housing must have a future fall housing assignment. Students may sign-up for both Summer I & II housing if they have both a current spring housing assignment and a future fall housing assignment. 

Laundry Facilities

Laundry facilities are located in each hall. It usually takes 30 minutes to wash and 60 minutes to dry an average load of clothes. Laundry facilities are for use by building residents only. Laundry machine service in the residence halls are "open use" and do not require payment per use.

The department recommends that you stay in the laundry room during the entire wash and dry cycle of your laundry. The Office of Residential Life is not responsible for clothes that are lost, stolen or damaged in the laundry room; students should report these concerns to Campus Security.  If items are left in the laundry room for an extended period of time, they may be removed and disposed of without resident notice.

Repair problems on washers and dryers should be reported to Resident Advisor (RA) on-call.

Liability for Losses or Thefts

The University does not accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage to personal property of students. The University assumes no responsibility for items lost or stolen from student rooms, student automobiles, storage areas, laundry rooms, all other common areas, etc. The University strongly recommends that all students carry renters insurance coverage for all items or property, as well as take reasonable steps to prevent losses or thefts, including but not limited to the following:

  • Keep your room locked at all times, and never leave your keys in your room. The best guard against property loss from your room is a locked door.
  • Residential students are advised against keeping large sums of money or other valuables in their rooms
  • Record the serial numbers of all of your personal property and mark it with your name
  • Do not leave property unattended in lounges, laundry rooms, study spaces, etc
  • Report any property loss immediately to the Campus Security Office

Lock Outs

Students locked out of their room or apartment should first call their roommate(s) for assistance. It is the student's responsibility to always carry their key and problem solve a lock-out. In the event a student can not resolve a lock-out on their own, the student may contact the Resident Advisor (RA) on-call for their building to gain access to their room. A student ID card is required before a student will be allowed back into their room. After two lock outs per semester, students will be assessed a $25.00 fee to their student account for each additional lock-out. Lock out counts will reset at the end of each semester.

Residence hall keys are not to be duplicated or loaned. Students are prohibited from placing their own locks on individual doors.

Lockouts include circumstances when students who need to be let into a building, stairwell, elevator, or other swipe-secured door.

Lost Keys

If a key is lost, the lock(s) to the student's room or apartment will be changed and occupants of the room will need to obtain new keys from the front desk or community/building office, a $75.00 fee per key will be posted to the student's account in relation to the lock change and replaced keys. Students who duplicate a room key or do not return their room key at the end of the academic year will also be assessed a $75.00 fee. Village Apartment residents who lose their exterior and bedroom keys will be assessed a $75.00 fee per key, for a total cost of $150.00.

Residency Requirement

All 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students are required to live on campus regardless of credit status.

Students are required to live on-campus for this period of time because Jacksonville University is committed to the educational development of its students both in the classroom and in the residential facilities. Studies show that students who live on-campus earn better grades, are more involved in student organizations, and graduate at higher rates than students who live off-campus.

You are not required to live on-campus during your first three years at Jacksonville University if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • You are at least 22 years old on the first day of the term.
  • You are legally married (certified copy of marriage license required)
  • You are currently serving on active duty in the military.
  • You live with an immediate family member within a 30-mile radius of 麻豆传媒社区 at the time of your acceptance to the University. The Office of Residential Life defines "immediate family member" as a parent, child, sibling, or legal guardian. If an exemption is being requested to live with a legal guardian, certified documentation will be required.

If you meet one or more of the criteria listed above, and are interested in requesting a Residency Exemption, please complete the located on the Residential Life website. This form should be completed by the student and include any supporting documentation necessary. Forms can be submitted at any time, but should be submitted as soon as possible to ensure there is ample time for communication and processing. Forms submitted after the start of the semester will result in a partial refund in accordance with the Residential Life refund schedule as detailed in the Housing Contract.

Room and Roommate Transfers

Students who would like to request a room change should reach out to their building Coordinator (link contacts). Residential Life offers room changes only after a conversation in order to best serve students and understand their needs and/or concerns. Room changes may be limited to the building in which the resident currently resides.

Once a room change is approved, all residents involved must check out properly and a room inspection will be completed during the transfer process.

Students will be held responsible for any damages they make to their space.

Key exchange must take place as directed by the area supervisor.

Room and/or roommate transfers that do not follow this procedure are considered unauthorized room changes and all students involved in the transfer are subject to an immediate $100.00 fee at the time the unauthorized room transfer is confirmed. Forcing or attempting to force resident students to move out of a room, suite or apartment is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action against the student. Only the area supervisor can give approval for students to switch or move rooms.

Village Apartments Eligibility

The Village Apartments are reserved for 3rd and 4th year residents. 

Students will qualify for the Village Apartments when the following is true at the time the Housing Application opens in the Spring semester:

  • The student is entering their 3rd or later academic year in the Fall of the upcoming year
  • The student has a minimum of 60 credits at the time of the application, which includes credits taken in the current semester

Students who are entering their first or second collegiate year will not be qualified to live in the Village Apartments regardless of credits.  Students will be re-assessed for Apartment eligibility the following Fall semester. Any credit changes occurring over the Summer will not change eligibility until the Fall semester.

Please keep in mind that eligibility for the Village Apartments does not guarantee or reserve space in the Village Apartments.  All residential areas are first-come first-serve through the Housing Lottery in the spring semester. Please look for email communication from the Office of Residential Life and complete all steps of the housing sign-up process in as timely a fashion as possible to maximize your chances of living in the apartments. The Office of Residential Life may make exceptions to this policy in order to keep vacancies to a minimum.

Weather Emergencies

When severe weather may affect 麻豆传媒社区, the President, or designee, will activate the University's Emergency Preparedness Task Force to take any precautionary measures needed.

In the event of a Hurricane Warning, all residential students will be encouraged to evacuate campus. Any remaining students will be consolidated to South Campus. Students who choose to leave campus must notify a Residential Life staff member before leaving campus. The Office of Residential Life will devise and coordinate procedures for housing any remaining students. 

Changes to University policies and procedures may be enacted to ensure orderly behavior and student safety and wellbeing. These policy changes will be announced via University email.

Withdrawal from Housing

A student who has decided to leave the residential facilities must follow the following procedures:

Inform the Office of Residential Life of their intent to leave

Coordinate a time with a Resident Advisor to check out of your room and have room reviewed

Return keys to Resident Advisor at time of check-out

Beginning the week of move-in, additional refunds are based upon the refund schedule stated in the housing contract. Students who are removed from the residence halls or apartments for disciplinary reasons will not be eligible for any room or board refunds.

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III. Community Standards and Hall Policies


The below Community Standards and Hall Policies are in place to ensure that each student is aware of their residential Rights and Responsibilities, the protocol for addressing Community Standard and Hall related issues, and the expectations that both our office and students will be held to.

Rights and Responsibilities:

  • The rights to study, read, relax and sleep without measurable interference, noise or distractions, and the responsibility to help others have these rights
  • The right to feel safe in the residence halls, and the responsibility to help ensure the safety for others in the building
  • The right to have respect shown for one's privacy, and the responsibility to respect the privacy of others
  • The right to have respect shown for one's personal property, and the responsibility to respect others鈥 personal property as well as community property
  • The right to have visitors within the hall, apartment, or house during visitation hours, and the responsibility for the behavior of those guests
  • The right to live in an area free of intimidation and physical or emotional harm, and the responsibility to ensure this right for others
  • The right to a clean living environment and the responsibility to help keep it clean and report maintenance issues as they arise
  • The right to maintain one's personal beliefs and values, and the responsibility to respect the beliefs and values of others


The ability to possess, consume, and be in the presence of alcohol is a privilege afforded to those students of legal age living within the residential facilities. This privilege is subject to restrictions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all residents. Both underage and of-age students have shared responsibility for knowing, understanding, and ensuring that these rules are followed.

Students are expected to obey all local, state, and federal laws governing the possession, use, and distribution of alcohol

Any student under the age of 21 is prohibited from being in the presence of alcohol at any time. If a student is under the age of 21 and in a space where alcohol is present, all students present are in violation of the student code of conduct (regardless of age).

A student over the age of 21 is not permitted to possess or store alcohol at any time when a roommate under the age of 21 is present.

Students over the age of 21 are not permitted to possess or store alcohol at any time in common space areas of their room or apartment when any roommate, suitemate, or apartment-mate is under the age of 21

Students over the age of 21 may not permit students under the age of 21 to be in the presence of, possess, store, or consume alcoholic beverages in the legal students' rooms (hosting)

Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in public areas of residential communities, including, but not limited to, hallways, breezeways, lobbies, lounges, stairwells, elevators, balconies or public areas adjacent to a residential facility

Being intoxicated is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Any student whose behavior evidences intoxication on the campus will be in violation of the JU Alcohol Policy, and is subject to the sanctions of the JU Alcohol Policy

"Drinking games" and other activities which promote excessive consumption of alcohol are prohibited. Any paraphernalia associated with such activities, including but not limited to "beer pong tables" and "beer funnels", will be confiscated and not returned to students. Sheets of plywood and rectangular tables decorated in such a way as to indicate a "beer pong" playing surface will also be confiscated.

Mass quantities of alcohol are prohibited. Students over the age of 21 are permitted to be in possession of one of each of the following quantities of alcohol, as long as they do not exceed the following packaging amounts. Possession of packaged alcohol quantities that exceed the below outlined amounts will constitute a violation of the University alcohol policy. 

  • Beer: 72 fluid ounces ("6-pack")
  • Wine: 750 milliliters ("traditional" wine bottle size)
  • Liquor: 750 milliliters ("traditional" wine bottle size)
  • Kegs and associated paraphernalia will be confiscated from, and not returned, to students

Other canned or bottled alcoholic beverages, such as seltzers, cannot exceed any of the listed quantities above.

Alcoholic Beverage Containers and Displays

Alcoholic beverage containers and/or packaging are not permitted to be stored, used, displayed or collected for any reason, regardless of the contents or purpose. Promotional signs or posters for alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are permitted in student's rooms, but may not be displayed on windows, external doors, balconies, or any surface that can be viewed from outside the room or apartment. Decorative shot glasses and flasks may be displayed in rooms, but are subject to confiscation if used in a manner that violates the University policy on alcohol use.

Apartment Balconies

In order to maintain the aesthetic integrity of the Village Apartments and to ensure the safety of students, the following rules apply to the apartment balconies:

No university-provided furniture may be located, at any time, on the balcony

No more than six (6) people may be on the balcony at any one time

Throwing of objects off the balcony is prohibited

Grills are prohibited

No items should be hung from balcony rails (including, but not limited to: towels, rafts, signs, hammocks, clothing, flags and lighting). Signs related to school spirit shall be permitted pending the approval by the Village Apartments area supervisor. Each sign shall be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Balconies may not be used for storage purposes (including, but not limited to: garbage, indoor furniture, and bicycles)

Smoking is prohibited, along with candles, fireworks, or any items that are combustible or utilize an open flame

Alcohol consumption is prohibited

Keep the balcony door locked at all times when not in use, and do not use first floor balconies for entering and leaving the apartment, as it creates a security risk

Any violations of the above expectations may result in disciplinary fees.

Community Spaces and Responsibilities

Students in all residential areas are required to share certain spaces. All community areas including kitchens, hallways, lounges, restrooms and study rooms throughout the residential areas should be respected by all residents.  Breezeways, lobbies, and the areas around the building are part of the residential community and belong to everyone. When using these community spaces in any capacity please heed the following community standards:

Trash from individuals should be disposed of in approved trash rooms or dumpsters, not common trash cans

Belongings should not be stored or left unattended in common spaces

Unattended items will be removed and disposed of by Residential Life

Furniture from common spaces should not be relocated to individual rooms or other common spaces on different floors/wings/etc.

Appropriate attire should be worn at all times while in common spaces, including coming to-and-from community restrooms

Vandalism will not be tolerated - respect the work that went into decorating lounges, hallways, etc.  This includes keeping comments and responses to interactive decorations respectful and free from offensive or profane language. Any damage done to community space may lead to a community wide fine if individuals can not be identified and held accountable.

Community Kitchen

Students have access to community kitchens in the residence halls. Kitchen use is for building residents only. In order to ensure a safe and clean environment, students are required to clean up after themselves in the kitchen, including throwing away any trash, wiping down the counters, cleaning all dishes, and turning the oven off. Residents are responsible for their own food and personal belongings in the kitchen or refrigerator. Students are not permitted to store cooking equipment, appliances, or other items in the kitchen at any time. If items are stored, they may be removed and disposed of without resident notice. Area supervisors have discretion to close community kitchens at any time.  


  • Never leave cooking food unattended
  • Never put foil or metal in the microwave
  • Turn the oven OFF when you finish cooking or leave the room
  • Do not use any additional kitchen appliances in the space. Please see 'Cooking Appliances' for a list of approved appliances
  • Failure to adhere to these policies may lead to loss of kitchen privileges or disciplinary action.


In order to promote health and sanitation, as well as prevent fire hazards, the following restrictions and rules apply to cooking appliances:

Microwaves must be 800 watts or less

Mini-fridge units must be 3.5 cubic feet in volume or fewer

Appliances designed to heat water for beverages such as coffee makers, electric kettles, or Keurig (and other single pod brewers) are permitted in the residence halls and village apartments, so long as they are equipped with an automatic shut off. 

Appliances designed for the cooking or heating of food through heating liquid or steam or through the use of an electric, induction, or combustion heating element such as (but not limited to) rice cookers, air fryers, hot pots, InstantPots, hot plates, induction cooktops, immersion circulators, or countertop stoves, may not be stored or used in residence halls, but are allowed in Village Apartments, so long as they are stored and operated only in the kitchen.

Appliances designed for the cooking or heating of food through direct contact with a heated surface such as (but not limited to) 鈥淕eorge Foreman鈥 style contact-grills, electric griddles, panini presses, quesadilla makers, and waffle irons may not be stored or used in residence halls, but are allowed in Village Apartments, so long as they are stored and operated only in the kitchen. Appliances designed for the cooking or heating of food through convection or heated air toasting via an exposed heating coil such as (but not limited to) toasters, toaster ovens, pizza ovens, and portable ovens may not be stored or used in residence halls, but are allowed in Village Apartments, so long as they are stored and operated only in the kitchen.

Appliances designed for the cooking or mixing of food through rotating blades such as (but not limited to) stick blenders, food processors, stand mixers, hand mixers, or blenders are allowed, so long as they are stored properly and used for their intended purposes.

Appliances which pose a high risk of fire or injury such as (but not including) camp stoves, deep fryers, grills, or pressure cookers, may not be stored or used in residence halls OR village apartments.

All appliances must be kept properly clean and used only in the manner in which they are designed for.  Any misuse of appliances which causes injury or property damage will be considered a violation of the student code of conduct and the student may be held responsible (including financially) for any resulting damage.

Full-sized refrigerators are provided in the village apartments as well as the community kitchen in Oak Hall. Only those University-provided full-sized refrigerators are permitted on campus

Students may not bring their own full size refrigerator or standalone freezer to their Residence Hall or Village Apartment.

Students in the residence halls wishing to cook food may utilize community kitchens, as well as approved appliances. Such appliances including mini-fridges, microwaves, and coffee makers are allowed in individual residence hall rooms so long as they conform to the above standards.  If you are ever unsure as to whether or not an appliance is allowed in a residence hall, contact our office before purchasing it. Appliances which are found in residence halls which violate this policy will be deemed fire hazards, confiscated by a staff member, and not returned to the resident

Courtesy Hours

Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, both inside and outside of the residence halls.  Consideration for others is a primary component of community living and students agree to uphold this expectation when they become residents. Noise level must not deter students who want/need to study or sleep at any time. Students must comply with any student or staff member's request to observe courtesy hours.

Please note: Speakers may not be placed on windowsills/balconies, and pointed outside the room. This behavior is considered to be in direct violation of courtesy hours and will be addressed by Office of Residential Life and Campus Security staff.

Quiet Hours

Designated quiet hours are as follows:

Friday - Saturday: 12:00am - 10:00am

Sunday - Thursday: 11:00pm - 9:00am

The Office of Residential Life may modify designated quiet hours for specific periods as the situation may arise, including, but not limited to, finals week, when quiet hours are in effect 24 hours per day. Students who violate quiet hours are subject to disciplinary action.

Dangerous and Disruptive Activities

The following activities are deemed dangerous/disruptive, and are prohibited in residence halls and Village Apartments:

  • Accessing rooftops or ledges
  • Climbing from windows
  • Scaling or rappelling from balconies or exterior walls
  • Throwing, bouncing or kicking of any object in or from a window, ledge, roof, stairwell, balcony, hallway or any other common area, or room
  • Playing sports in individual rooms, hallways, breezeways or lobbies
  • Playing sports outside of residential buildings is allowed, but objects associated with such sports should not be thrown, kicked, or otherwise aimed or propelled towards buildings
  • Skateboarding, rollerblading, using scooters, biking, etc.

Students engaging in any of the previously listed behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action. In addition, any damages to facilities resulting from these activities will result in fees to either the individual or the community.

Flammables/Fire Hazard

Certain items are not permitted in the residence halls and Village Apartments, or on balconies, and will be confiscated if found. The following items will be disposed of, donated, or turned over to Campus Security, and will not be returned to students:

  • Candles
  • Candle warmers or scented wax warmers
  • Incense and incense burners
  • Fog, haze or smoke generating machines
  • Personal heaters, including heat lamps used for animal habitats
  • Live Christmas or holiday decoration trees
  • Flammable substances or fuels (butane, paraffin, or propane, for example)
  • Fireworks or any other explosive or incendiary devices
  • Extension Cords or multi-outlet plugs without surge protectors. Surge protectors with long built-in cords are allowed, but may not be daisy-chained.

Certain kinds of light generate excessive heat or are dangerous in other ways. As a result, the following restrictions on decorative lights are in place:

All decorative lighting, in addition to being in compliance with other policies in this section, must be UL and CE certified. Traditional 鈥渉oliday lights鈥 that plug into an electrical outlet and can be interconnected are not allowed, regardless of bulb shape, size, or power consumption. This also includes LED or Incandescent bulbs.

Decorative style lights such as 鈥渇airy lights鈥 that are powered via USB or battery are allowed

Rope lights, strip lights, or other LED lights which are fully encased in plastic and do not allow other interconnection, or other plugs to be plugged into them are allowed, so long as they do not generate an excessive amount of heat

Fake christmas or holiday decoration trees are allowed so long as they do not have lights.  This includes lights strung around the tree or internal LED or fiber-optic lights.

Certain decorative lights which generate excessive heat are not allowed.  This includes but is not limited to 鈥渟alt鈥 or other rock lamps, lava lamps or other lights which heat liquid, and halogen bulbs.

No decoration which covers a light, including fabric, paper, or plastic coverings are allowed

All decorative lighting must be turned off when students are not present in their space and when sleeping

Paper, fabric, or other flammable decorations which cover more than 25% of any wall, window, or door are prohibited both within rooms and in hallways. This includes tapestries, posters, photographs, etc. placed by either residents or RA staff members.

Posters, flyers, or other paper notices may not be posted in elevators or stairwells.


Charcoal, gas, and electric grills, as well as charcoal and propane are prohibited from being used or stored in any of the residence halls and apartments or within any of the surrounding areas. George Foreman Grills are also prohibited in the residence halls, but may be used and stored in the Village Apartments.

Community grills are located in the following areas:

  • Adjacent to Building 4 in the Village Apartments
  • In the Village Apartments 5-8 courtyard

Guests in Residence Halls

麻豆传媒社区 has open visitation; the privilege to have guests in a residence hall, room, or suite is based upon the precept of mutual respect and balance; one resident鈥檚 right to have guests does not supersede another鈥檚 right to reasonable privacy. In particular, it is expected that students who share a living unit will be courteous to one another, communicate, show willingness to make compromises, and act in good faith in the matter of guests. The presence of a guest in a residence hall, a room, or a suite must not compromise the personal or academic well-being of room/suitemates or other building residents.

Students may have guests (student or non-student) twenty-four hours a day, however the following rules and restrictions apply:

  • All guest visits must be approved by all roommates/suitemates
  • Approved guests are permitted to stay no longer than three (3) days in residence halls
  • Guests must be escorted by a current JU student at all times while in the residential facilities
  • Guests visiting students of the opposite gender must use the public restrooms located throughout the building or a restroom which aligns with their gender, unless the resident being visited has a private bath
  • At no time may a resident or a resident's guest deny a roommate access to their room or behave in a manner that causes the roommate to become uncomfortable
  • Cohabitation is prohibited (see Cohabitation policy below)
  • Residents are not permitted to assign, sublease, or rent their assigned spaces, or other residential spaces, to other people
  • All residents will be held accountable for the behavior and conduct of their guests while they are in the residential facilities. All resident guests are expected to adhere to all University and Residential 
  • Non-residents who are 17 or younger are not permitted as guests in University residence halls without a parent/legal guardian, and are not permitted to stay as guests in University residence halls overnight
  • Non-residents who are 17 or younger are not permitted as guests in University residence halls earlier than 8am and later than 10pm

Types of Guests and Access:

Same Hall Student Guest: Guests who are 麻豆传媒社区 students and reside in the same residence hall as the person they are visiting may proceed directly to the room/suite of the resident host provided their visit to that room/suite is in accordance with the conditions set forth in the above policy statement.

Other Hall Student Guest: Guests who are 麻豆传媒社区 students who reside in another University residence hall may be eligible to enter the residence hall of the person they are visiting by swiping into the lobby with their JU ID card. Residents will be expected to meet their guest and escort them to their room, provided their visit to that room/suite is in accordance with the conditions set forth in the above policy statement.


Cohabitation is not permitted in residence halls and apartments. Cohabitation exists when a person who is not assigned to a particular residence hall room or apartment uses that room or apartment as if they were living there. Instances of cohabitation will result in disciplinary action for all parties involved, up to and including fees.

Examples of cohabitation include鈥 but are not limited to:

Accessing the room or apartment while the assigned occupants are not present

Utilizing a key to enter a room or apartment to which one is not assigned

Keeping clothing and other personal belongings in the residence hall or apartment

Sleeping overnight in the room/apartment on a regular basis

Using the bathroom and shower facilities as if they lived in that room/apartment

When a guest's continual presence hinders a roommate's ability to study鈥 sleep鈥 and/or occupy their room鈥 this will also be considered a violation of this policy


Beds may be raised or lofted using the bed ends provided. Any external raising kits are prohibited. Students may check-out a mallet at the front desk to assist in lofting their bed. If needed, students may place a work order for help lofting their bed. All furniture provided in University rooms must stay in the room, including beds.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments may not be played in the residence halls except for electronic instruments with headphones.

Speakers in residence halls are for personal use only. Any speaker or amplification device which can be heard from outside a student鈥檚 residential space is not allowed. Any requests by staff or residents to lower the volume should be respected.

Pet Policy

All pets, other than University approved/registered Emotional Support Animals (ESA) and/or Service Animals and non-carnivorous fish, are prohibited in and around residential facilities, administrative buildings, and any food venue on campus. This includes all courtyards, breezeways, common spaces and parking lots within the residential communities. Fish must be stored in tanks of 15 gallons or less while in the residential facilities. Approved ESA鈥檚 must follow the Residential Life ESA Policies provided at approval.  Any animal not approved by Residential Life is considered an unauthorized animal.   

The University may exclude an assistance animal from University housing if the animal is not housebroken; would cause substantial physical damage to the property of others or University facilities; would pose a direct threat to the health* or safety of others; would fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity; or is not being cared for by the individual.鈥 Students will be liable for damage caused by assistance animals in the same manner they are responsible for personal damages to University property. 

All ESA requests will be reviewed and considered on a case by case basis. The university reserves the right to approve or deny a request if the ESA in question could pose an impact on residential life operations and/or could pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others. The Residential Life Medical Accommodations information can be found鈥here. The Documentation Guidelines, ESA Policy and Roommate Agreement can be found here.

Pets/animals are welcome on our campus grounds as long as they are leashed or tethered. Any disruption to normal activities caused by these visiting pets/animals will incur in a notice of immediate removal from the premises. 

Any student who is observed, or any student whose guest is observed, with an unauthorized dog, cat or other prohibited animal 鈥 visiting or residing 鈥 on residential premises will incur a $100.00 fee per day. Residential students are not permitted at any time to foster any unauthorized animals for any duration of time in the residence halls.  If the unauthorized animal is not removed within 24 hours, students are subject to increased fees, further disciplinary action, and removal of the animal.  Any student whose continued subsequent violation of the Pet Policy and/or Emotional Support Animal policy may be subject to their residential student housing contract reviewed for possible contract cancellation.   

Students are also discouraged from feeding any stray animals around campus. 

Exceptions will not be made for any temporary keeping of pets. Professional Residential Life Staff members who live on-campus are allowed to keep pets when approved by the Director of Residential Life. 

Residential Life Policy for Emotional Support Animals

1. Emotional Support Animals approved must be able to reside in the residential facilities while meeting general Residential Life Policies, such as survival without a heat lamp.

2.  ESAs approved cannot be younger than 9 months and must be first house broken before coming on campus.

3. A designated JU PET sticker will be provided to every student who has been approved to have an ESA in their residence by the Department of Residential Life. This sticker will allow University personnel to easily identify the room where the ESA is permitted. Should the student move rooms due to an emergency or relocation, it is the responsibility of the student to request a new JU PET sticker and remove the old one when they leave.

4. The ESA is only permitted in the assigned Residence Hall room or apartment. In the case of suites, the ESA is allowed in the designated room and should not be in the adjoining room unless adjoining suitemates have signed the ESA roommate agreement. The ESA is prohibited from all other buildings and all food venues on campus. 

5. The ESA may be left in the care of another student for up to 48 hours only if that student is listed as one of the animal鈥檚 emergency contacts. This may be used for the emergency contact to help with daily care of the ESA, including walks. Emergency contacts must follow all ESA policies.

6. Animals must be taken with the student if they leave campus for a prolonged period. If the student is unable to care for the animal, emergency contacts will be called.

7. Primary care, feeding and supervision of the animal are the responsibility of the individual who received the approved ESA. 

8. The owner/handler is responsible for assuring that the ESA does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence hall or cause difficulties for students who reside there. This includes but is not limited to barking, urinating indoors, and/or biting.

9. If an ESA bites any member of the University community, the ESA will be immediately removed and will not be approved in the future.

10. Every time there is a roommate change, a new 鈥淩oommate Agreement鈥 must be signed and submitted to the Residential Life office. 

11. ESA鈥檚 are not permitted on Apartment Balconies or patios unattended. Anytime an ESA is taken out of the owner鈥檚 room, they must be on a harness, leash, or in the owner鈥檚 arms if not able to be leashed. This should only be in the case of transportation or walking. 

12. The owner is financially responsible for the actions of the ESA including bodily injury or property damage. The owner will be expected to cover the costs of any damage at the time of repair and/or move-out. The owner/handler's residence may be inspected for fleas, ticks or other pests once per semester or as needed. If fleas, ticks or other pests are detected through inspection, the residence will be treated using approved fumigation methods by a college-approved pest control service. 

13. The owner/handler will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment that goes beyond normal required pest management.

14. Indoor animal waste, such as cat litter, must be placed in a sturdy plastic bag and tied securely before being disposed of in outside trash dumpsters. Litter boxes should be placed on mats so that feces and urine are not transferred onto carpeted surfaces. 

15. Outdoor animal waste, such as dog feces, must be immediately retrieved by owner, placed in a plastic bag and securely tied before being disposed of in outside trash dumpsters. 

16. Housing has the ability to relocate owner and ESA as necessary according to current contractual agreements. i.e., when and if the student is moving to a different residence hall.

17. If the student is determined to be in violation of any of the above guidelines, the infraction will be treated on an individual basis through the Student Affairs Office and Residential Life. 

18. Any violation of the above rules may result in immediate removal of the ESA from the University. 

19. Should the ESA be removed from the premises for any reason, the owner is expected to fulfill his/her housing obligations for the remainder of the housing contract. 

20. The Owner agrees to continue to abide by these and all other Residential Life Department policies.


麻豆传媒社区 Housing shall be smoke-free, and prohibits the use of all lighted tobacco products and electronic devices, including for the use of CBD products, (E-cigs, Juuls, etc.) on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by the University Housing. 鈥淧roperty鈥 for purposes of this policy includes:

Buildings, structures, enclosed bridges and walkways, University carts and vehicles, personal vehicles in residential areas, and any other indoor areas owned or managed by the University.

Parking lots, parking garages or structures, grounds, sidewalks, rooftops, plazas, courtyards, entrance/exit ways, University-owned or -leased vehicles, and any other outdoor areas owned or managed by the University.

This policy applies to all 麻豆传媒社区 students, employees, consultants, contractors, visitors and external individuals, companies renting University-owned space, and property owned or managed by 麻豆传媒社区.


鈥淪moking鈥 means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, E-Cig, Juul, electronic device or pipe or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product, including marijuana, intended for inhalation in any manner or form. 鈥淪moking鈥 also includes the possession or use of an e-cigarette that creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this policy.

鈥淭obacco Products鈥 means all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), e-cigarettes (any device intended to simulate smoking). These will not be returned to residents and/or guests. Additionally, prohibits any persons under 21 years of age to smoke or vape in tobacco. 

鈥淢embers of the University community鈥 include its faculty, staff, students, volunteers, customers and visitors.

鈥淧roperty鈥 includes buildings, structures, grounds, parking lots or structures, enclosed bridges and walkways, sidewalks, University carts and vehicles, as well as personal vehicles in these areas.

Violations of the policy will be addressed in accordance with current University policies and procedures. Accordingly, students may expect a University response under the student code of conduct. The University encourages students to engage in an approach of collective responsibility to hold each student accountable to smoke free policy expectations. Additionally, traditional reporting resources of Campus Security and Residential Life are available for support and enforcement of the policy.


The smoking of tobacco products may be permitted for controlled research with prior approval of the Provost, the Institutional Review Board, and the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students with notice provided to the Residential Life Office.

Tobacco use and/or smoking on campus may be permitted for educational or religious ceremonial purposes with prior approval of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students with notice provided to the Office of Residential Life.

Fees for violating this policy are provided in the Code of Conduct within Green Pages.

Solicitation and Sales

Salespeople and solicitors are not permitted in residential facilities at any time. Unauthorized salespersons should be reported to the Office of Residential Life Professional Staff or Campus Security 904-256-7585 immediately.

Only postings, flyers, or other materials authorized by the Office of Residential Life can be distributed in (or on) any of the residential facilities on campus.

Unauthorized Use of Space

Unauthorized use of space is not permitted in residence halls or apartments. Unauthorized use of space occurs when a person who is not assigned or authorized to have access to a particular residence hall room, apartment, common space, secured space, or storage area gains access through means not approved by the University, including entering an unlocked door. Instances of unauthorized use of space will result in disciplinary action for all parties involved, up to and including a $100 fine.

Examples of Unauthorized Use of Space include鈥 but are not limited to:

  • Accessing a room or apartment while the assigned occupants are not present
  • Entering a room or apartment (utilizing a key or through other means) to which one is not assigned
  • Occupying a room or apartment to which one is not assigned
  • Accessing an adjoining empty suite room through the restroom
  • Accessing an assigned room or apartment before a check in process has been completed
  • Accessing University storage areas or other maintenance areas for any reason.

Vehicles in the Residence Halls


Bicycles may either be stored in a student's room, or on bike racks provided by the University, and are prohibited from being stored in any other location. Bikes, skateboards/longboards, and other items may be stored in a student's room as long as all roommates agree to storage of the items in the room.

Bike racks can be found in the following locations:

  • Behind and in front of Oak Hall
  • Williams Hall
  • North Hall
  • In front of specific Village Apartment locations

Storage of bikes (or other items) underneath the stairwells in the Village Apartments is prohibited.

Bicycles found abandoned in or around residential facilities at the close of the semester will be confiscated.

Motorized Vehicles

Vehicles with combustion engines may not be stored in or around residential facilities. Motorcycles and scooters should be parked in an appropriate parking lot. Vehicles found in violation of this policy will be removed by the University, and all costs associated will be assessed to the responsible party's student account. Other vehicles which are not allowed include but are not limited to:

  • Boats and other watercraft
  • Vehicle Trailers
  • Recreational Vehicles
  • Campers/trailers
  • ATVs
  • Dirt Bikes which are not road-legal
  • U-Haul style trailers
  • Non-university issued golf carts

These vehicles are not permitted to be stored or parked on campus, including in the Oak Hall Garage, unless otherwise approved by the Office of Residential Life or Campus Security.

The devices covered, commonly referred to as "Hoverboards" are manufactured in a way which lacks regulation and oversight and are a fire hazard. As a result they may not be stored, ridden, or brought into or around any residential facility at any time. Any device found in a residential facility will be confiscated and its owner/operator will face disciplinary action.

This policy does not prohibit motorized mobility devices such as electric wheelchairs.

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IV. Facility Information and Policies

The below facility information and policies are outlined to ensure that each student is aware of the different services the Office of Residential Life and the University provide, and the expectations that both our office and students will be held to.

Air Conditioning/Heat

Students should adhere to the following guidelines for use of the AC units:

  • DO NOT turn off the A/C system to the OFF setting, even if leaving the room for an extended period of time
  • If you are leaving the room leave the fan setting in the AUTO position
  • The thermostat temperature setting should ALWAYS remain between 68 and 74 degrees. Setting the temperature outside this range could cause the unit to stop working, or damage the unit
  • The fan AUTO setting will cycle air flow on and off as needed. ON will provide continuous airflow. DO NOT turn the unit OFF.
  • Clean air vents in room and common spaces monthly by wiping them down with a Clorox wipe
  • Keep all vents open and free of obstructions

If residents experience any problems with temperature, they should place a work order with their Resident Advisor. Students are responsible for any damage to AC or heating systems caused by students operating the unit outside of the above parameters, or by not contacting Residential Life staff with maintenance issues in a timely manner. The fee for replacing a damaged thermostat is $150.00. In the residence halls and Apartments opening a window while running the air conditioner can upset temperature control for the entire apartment. Opening windows also creates conditions conducive for growth. Students should keep windows closed while the air conditioner is operating.

Camera Policy 

Ring, Nest, other smart doorbells, personal exterior cameras or other electronic devices that videotape, film, or digitally record may not be used or installed in on-campus housing buildings and apartments. Any device used to secretly view another person without that person's consent in any location is not allowed. 


To ensure accessibility in our residence halls and for the convenience of students and JU personnel, Oak Hall, Williams Hall, Botts Hall, and North Hall are equipped with passenger elevators. Use of the elevators is a privilege and students are expected to make use of them in a responsible, safe and respectful manner. In keeping with this expectation, tampering with the alarm, misuse or defacing of the elevators, or entering the elevator shaft is prohibited. Students found responsible for tampering with the alarm, misuse or defacing of the elevators, or entering the elevator shaft may be subject to disciplinary action and/or fees. Additionally, students who enable the entry of an unauthorized person into the elevator may be subject to disciplinary action.

Note: Availability of the elevators may be limited on occasion in order to accommodate residents or guests with a disability, the moving of belongings, or for emergencies.

Flyers may not be posted in elevators.


At no time is any University-issued furniture allowed on the Village Apartment balconies, or otherwise outside of the room, apartment, or common area in which it was found. Fees will be assessed for any damages made to University furniture.

Residents are strictly prohibited from possessing, displaying, or tampering with signs or items that belong to the University, government entities, or other individuals without proper authorization. This includes, but is not limited to, traffic cones, barricades, exit signs, university signage/wayfinding.  

Individual Room Furniture

Residents are responsible for the condition of their rooms and all furniture assigned to it. University provided room furnishings must remain in students' individual rooms. A $100 fee will be assessed if furniture is found to be missing. Residents may rearrange furniture, but must use it only for its intended purpose. Upon checking out of a room, all furniture must be reassembled as it was originally found. If additional furniture is brought into the residential facilities, it must be removed when the residence halls close or the student leaves the University. Residents will be assessed fees for the removal of any furniture or other personal items left after vacating their rooms/apartments.

Common Area Furniture

Furnishings in the common areas of the residential halls, including apartment common areas, are provided for the use of all the students and may not be taken into individual rooms. Protection of public areas and equipment is the shared responsibility of all students. A $100 fee will be assessed if furniture is removed from its assigned space.

Mildew Growth

Humidity inside buildings in Florida is often high which encourages the growth of mildew. Mildew is a fungus that produces spores that grows and spread easily through the air. These spores can cause allergic reactions and other health issues. Mildew grows in areas that are dark and moist.

The following are resident responsibilities for preventing and treating mildew:

  • Follow all instructions on your room or apartments鈥 AC unit and do not turn the unit off or set the temperature too high or low.
  • The key to prevention is to keep everything clean, well lit and dry.
  • Hang up damp towels and clothes to dry completely.
  • Leave the bathroom door and shower curtain open to allow the walls to dry after showering.
  • Select cleaning products specifically designed to treat/prevent mildew.
  • A weak solution of bleach and water can also be effective in cleaning mildew.
  • You must thoroughly clean the apartment, including doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, patios, balconies, and storage rooms.
  • Wipe down any excess moisture that collects in the window sills that appear.
  • Remember to ventilate room periodically, open blinds and door to circulate air
  • Due to Florida鈥檚 climate, it is strongly encouraged to have a dehumidifier in your living space. The Office of Residential Life does not provide dehumidifiers.
  • DampRid is an effective way of reducing moisture without purchasing an extra appliance and is also strongly encouraged to have in your living space. The packets work for any kind of room, like bathrooms, laundry rooms, closets, bedrooms, storage spaces, and more. They will reduce humidity to a level where mold and mildew can no longer grow, and will eliminate musty odors. Every couple of weeks, the inside needs to be dumped and a packet needs to be replaced.
  • Most shower curtains can be cleaned in a washing machine with bleach, detergent and warm water.

If a student notices mildew growth in their residential space, they must report it to their Resident Advisor or the Office of Residential Life immediately. The university is not responsible for student items damaged by mildew.


Residents are not permitted to paint any of the interior or exterior surfaces of their assigned residential space. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Doors
  • Walls
  • Ceilings
  • Floors
  • Furniture
  • Windows
  • Air Conditioning units or vents

Residents will be assessed a fee for any costs associated with returning the assigned space to its original painted condition. Residents will also be held responsible for any corresponding conduct violations related to damaging University property.

Wall/house paint, paint thinner, spray paint, and painting equipment can be hazardous and should not be kept in residence halls or apartments. Exceptions will be made for reasonable amounts of paint and brushes used for crafting, fine art, etc

Trash Disposal

Below is a list of trash disposal areas in each of the residence halls:

  • Oak Hall - Trash room across from the stairwell in the A & D wing of each floor
  • North Hall 鈥 Trash room across from elevators on each floor
  • Below are the nearest dumpster locations for each residential facility:
  • Oak Hall - River Road across from the Parking Garage
  • Village Apartments 1, 2, 3, & 4- Back corner of the parking lot closest to Shircliff Hall (Building 2)
  • Village Apartments 5, 6, 7, & 8 - Parking lot closest to Building 8
  • North Hall 鈥 Parking lot located on northeast side of the building
  • Williams Hall - River Road near the south-campus exit gate.
  • Botts Hall - River Road near the south-campus exit gate.

Trash may not at any time, be placed in hallways, breezeways, on doorsteps, balconies, or in other public areas of the apartments.

Excessive trash in the residential facilities or failure to properly dispose of trash will result in a $100 fine being placed on students' accounts as well as possible disciplinary action for repeated offenses.

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V. Safety and Security

The below Safety and Security policies are in place to ensure that each student is aware of the partnership between themselves and university to ensure that they are provided with a safe and healthy living environment. The below policies are expectations that both our office and students will be held to.

Door Security

Part of the obligation of community living is to help safeguard the living environment. Residents are reminded that they share in the responsibility for the security of their rooms and the buildings in which they live. Residents are expected to keep their rooms/apartments locked at all times and also to report individuals who appear to be tampering with locks, damaging facilities, harassing individuals, or behaving suspiciously. Residents need to be particularly security-minded at times of check-in, holiday breaks, check-out, or when fewer residents are in the residential facilities.

The following behaviors can compromise the security of other students, and are prohibited:

  • Giving one's personal keys or ID card to another person.
  • Utilizing another individual鈥檚 keys or ID to enter a space to which they are not assigned.
  • Leaving keys or ID cards in a public space.
  • Propping open lobby doors or card swipe doors.
  • Attempting to force open any secure access door.
  • Interfering with the locking mechanism of any door.
  • Use of anything other than the JU-issued key to enter any door.
  • Altering the University issued-lock on any door.
  • Allowing individuals who seek entry to "tailgate" (allow others to enter the building without using their own entry card).

Residents found responsible for any of the behaviors above will be subject to disciplinary action, including fees to cover the costs of door repair or replacement. Any student exiting the building through an Emergency Exit when there is not a current emergency will be subject to a $100 fine.

Fire Alarm Procedures

When a fire alarm sounds, act as if there is a real fire. Assuming the alarm is a mistake or a fire drill is extremely dangerous. To ensure your safety take the following steps:

  • Proceed immediately to the nearest designated exit (do not use elevators)
  • Upon exiting the building, follow further instructions given by Resident Advisors or Security Officers
  • Do not stop evacuating until you reach the designated evacuation location for your residential area:
    • Oak Hall: Oak Lane
    • Williams: Parking Lot L
    • Botts Halls: River Rd Parking Lot
    • Village Apartments 1-4: Parking Lot E (in front of Village Apartment 1)
    • Village Apartments 5-8: Parking Lot D (behind Village Apartment 8)
    • North Hall: Parking Lot G (as far from the building as possible)
  • Do not re-enter the building until given permission by a University official.

In the event of a fire alarm, please make reasonable efforts to assist any students with a physical disability. Wheelchair-bound students should be transported to the nearest stairwell, and emergency personnel should be informed of the student's location upon their arrival.

Students found responsible for not evacuating a building during a fire alarm will be immediately assessed a $100.00 on each occasion, and may be subject to further disciplinary action.

Health & Safety Inspections

To ensure the health and safety of all residents, Residence Hall rooms and apartments are checked periodically by the Residential Life staff. Room cleanliness, arrangement, and hygiene issues that interfere with the comfort, safety, security, health or welfare of the residential community will be addressed during these inspections. The Office of Residential Life will distribute expectations for these inspections prior to their occurrence.

Residents must adhere to the following:

Room windows must remain closed when the air conditioner is in operation. The air conditioning equipment does not function properly when windows are open.

Window screens may not be removed at any time. Students who have removed a window screen will be required to pay for any damages or replacement costs.

Stickers, transparent tape and double-sided tape may not be used on floors, walls, woodwork or doors. Non-marring adhesive materials are permitted. fees may be assessed for any damage caused by improperly used or removed adhesives.

Built-in shelves and unauthorized lofts (see "Loft Beds" policy) are not permitted. Students who have constructed these items will be given written notice to remove them. Failure to do so will result in additional fees being assessed directly to the student's account, the responsibility for any repair costs, as well as potentially affect the status of the student's on-campus housing.

Airflow vents should never be obstructed. Blocking the airflow can create a fire hazard.

Tampering with any of the fire safety equipment is a felony, and is prohibited by policy. All smoke alarms, fire detectors and other safety devices must be in proper working condition at all times. At no time should a smoke detector be found turned off, covered, modified, removed, or impaired in any way. Any issues with malfunctioning smoke detectors, fire alarms or other safety equipment should be reported immediately to the Office of Residential Life.

Installation of ceiling fans or air conditioning units is prohibited.

Realizing that the display of certain items may be considered offensive and disrespectful to some community members, the University requires the use of discretion concerning the content of pictures, posters or written materials displayed in rooms and hallways. Residents possessing any materials the University deems questionable will be asked to move such items to a more discreet posting location, or remove them entirely.

Daily room care, upkeep, and cleaning are the responsibility of each student. Rooms should be kept orderly at all times. This includes but is not limited to:

Trash must be taken to the appropriate trash receptacles

Trash bags may not be stored temporarily in hallways, breezeways, balconies or other high-traffic areas

Floor should be clear of clutter as to permit a safe egress exit

Do laundry on a regular basis and properly store your clean clothes when finished

Clean up any spills and dispose of any leftover food timely

In the bathroom, clean the toilet, including in and around the bowl, clean the shower/tub, clean the floor, wipe down countertops and clean the sink, and put away and/or organize personal items.

Search and Seizure Policy

University officials have the ability to enter residents鈥 rooms for reasons related to normal inspections, maintenance purposes, general safety and security of the community, and to address policy violations in progress or that may have occurred. Staff members who need to enter a room during the performance of their duties will knock and identify themselves. A resident does not need to be present for a staff member to enter the room.

Students are reminded that the 麻豆传媒社区 campus is the private property of the University. When a designee of the Student Life Office, including Residential Life Staff members and Campus Security Officers, reasonably suspects that prohibited items are contained among a student's possessions, the student shall be required to make such possessions (including but not limited to backpacks, locked containers, motor vehicles, electronic communication via text/email, etc.) accessible. If a student refuses to give access to their possessions or communication, the items may be confiscated for investigation, and used in any disciplinary proceedings. Furthermore, any student who refuses to give such access to their possessions may also be immediately banned from University property.  This policy applies to students鈥 guests as well.

Items prohibited by law or University policy that are present in a resident鈥檚 room will be confiscated by the staff member and used in a disciplinary proceeding. Additionally, any prescribed or over-the-counter medications not found to be in their original packaging will be confiscated and used in a disciplinary proceeding. Such items will not be returned to students.

If a University staff member, who enters a room to perform their duties, has reason to believe:

  • Items prohibited by law or University policy are concealed from view,
  • There is a violation of public law or of University regulations or standards, or
  • There is a possibility of imminent hazard to persons or property;

The staff member may contact the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, or designee who shall have the right to conduct or order a search on University property and premises under emergency circumstances, and/or when violations of civil or criminal law or University regulations are in question. The student shall be informed as to the reasons for the search and the objects or information sought, except when the Student Life Office or designee believes that a serious emergency exists.

Smoke Detectors & Life Safety Equipment

Life safety equipment and devices, such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, exit signs, and fire alarm pull stations are placed in resident rooms and throughout the residential facilities for safety. Any resident or guest found tampering with such equipment in any way will be subject to a $100.00 fee in addition to the cost of any necessary repairs, with the possibility of further disciplinary action.

Report any damaged or inoperable fire safety equipment to the Office of Residential Life Professional Staff, community office, front desk, or a Resident Advisor (RA).

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These policies were updated on and effective from July 1, 2023. The University reserves the right to adjust the Residential Life Policies and Process as it determines necessary in order to assure fairness, order, efficiency, or the physical and emotional security of individuals.

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