Undergraduate Admissions – Humanities
Prospective students in Language, Philosophy or English are accepted to their intended major upon acceptance to the university. For talent scholarship consideration, students must submit a Humanities Portfolio.
Portfolio Review Dates
Humanities portfolio reviews for entry in the 2024-25 academic year will be conducted for review in two cycles. During the process, you will have the opportunity to showcase your talents and to experience firsthand our performance and art facilities. To ensure full consideration, be sure your materials are submitted on or before the deadline for your chosen admission cycle:
- November 8, 2024 -
- March 28, 2025 -
If you are still interested in submitting a virtual portfolio or audition please contact:
- Wesley Chandler, Admissions Counselor
Email address wchandl1@ju.edu | Telephone number (904) 256-7146
Portfolio Requirements
Submit a single electronic portfolio (PDF file) including Cover Page, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample. Email to: wchandl1@ju.edu (subject line: FIRST LAST NAME_Humanities Portfolio).
Part 1 – Cover Page
Please include the following:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- Email Address
- High School or Previous Institution
- Intended Area of Concentration: Philosophy, English, Language(s), Creative Writing
- Other Majors or Minors Considered
Part 2 – Personal Statement
For this section, please compose a two- to three-page statement that addresses the following:
- For all applicants: Please detail the experiences from your life thus far that have led to your interest in the humanities in general or the specific discipline selected above. Consider discussing coursework, extra-curricular activities, hobbies, and anything else that may help us to understand both you as a person and the way your interests and experience prepare you for further study.
- In the second half of the statement, please address the prompts from your chosen discipline:
- Language – How has your study of other languages helped you to gain insight into both other cultures and your own culture? How will further study into language and culture advance your personal and professional development? Do you recall specific moments in which a familiarity with two (or more) languages has benefited you?
- Philosophy –In what way do you rely on logic and reason in your own life? How have your inquiries into concepts such as ethics, consciousness, epistemology, aesthetics, etc. had an impact on you? What thinkers or schools of thought have influenced you? How might further study on these (and any other) philosophical and moral issues benefit you in your private, civic and professional life?
- English – How has literature influenced your development as a person? What have you gained from reading and studying literature? What does your reading life look like? Discuss any specific authors, genres, or books that you have gained the most from (or that you simply admire).
- Creative Writing: Describe your writing life to us. What do you hope to accomplish with your writing? What genres are you most comfortable working in? Are there aesthetic choices you have made in your work that help define you as an artist? What writers or works have influenced you most?
Part 3 – Writing Sample
- For this section, please submit 2-4 samples of your writing. Consider submitting thoughtful, critical essays related to the discipline you have chosen above. If you are submitting for the writing program, submit work from the genres you are most comfortable working in. If you are submitting poetry, feel free to exceed the 4 sample limit.