Academic Planning
What is Academic Planning?
Undergraduate students are encouraged to engage in intentional, proactive academic planning. Academic planning includes confirming academic program choice, identifying and understanding degree requirements, developing a course schedule for the upcoming semester, and developing a long-term plan for future semesters. We strongly recommend that you meet with your advisor a minimum of once per semester prior to registration to develop and/or review your academic plan.
What Tools Do I Need?
Degree Audit: This tool provides you a list of courses and criteria for satisfying your degree requirements. Directly linked to your academic record, the Degree Audit will update as you register for and complete courses. You should review your degree audit at least once per semester, prior to registration. Learn more about how to find and interpret your degree audit.
Academic Catalog: Document containing your program rquirements.
Registration Guide: Learn how to register using Self-Service - Student Planning.
Explore combinations of majors and minors to create your own unique program of study.
GPA Calculator: This tool will help you understand the impact of anticipated grades for in-progress or planned courses. Helpful for students who need to achieve a minimum GPA to remain in or achieve good standing.
Math Placement Information: Used to help you determine which math course is right for you.